How Herbal Essential Oils Saved the Life of 4 Traders in Time of Pandemic

4 min readAug 3, 2020


Essential Oils and Spices Trader Ship
Galley bearing the body of Saint John Chrysostomos to Constantinople

The Black Plague killed between 75 to 200 million people around the world, annihilating one-third of the entire global population. It was difficult to believe someone could survive this disease if you could get infected by the living or by the death, regardless. But amid all this, 4 traders-turned-thieves survived the pandemic without getting sick.

The black plague, which also started in China, spread to the entire known world thanks to rats and fleas carrying the disease while traveling with sailors. During this time, as we now see in the outbreak of the Covid19 pandemic, measurements were put in practice. One of those measurements was the 40 days isolation time required for all ships entering to seaports during the time of the plague. This was called quarantena, meaning “forty days”. Today, quarantine is now the main word used for the restriction of movement and people to prevent disease or pests.

Spread of Black Plague — Use of Essential Oils
The spread of the Black Death

Our perfume and spice traders weren’t allowed to continue trading and sailing due to the extent of the outbreak. Due to these restrictions, the lack of knowledge in any other craft, and facing death by hunger, they turned to rob the bodies of the dead and dying, although never getting sick.

These guys were very successful at beating the disease or “Pestilence” as it was called, but they couldn’t escape justice and were arrested. When they were imprisoned, the judge offered them leniency if they revealed how they could commit robberies without getting sick.

Our thieves come from a long lineage of spice traders and apothecaries with knowledge in herbs and remedies. They were able to make a concoction of essential oils, herbs, and other spices using vinegar as a carrier, rubbing themselves with it. The thieves applied their essential oils to their hands, ears, temples, feet & their mask over their mouth, creating a protective layer, keeping them safe from infection. Our heroes (or anti-heroes) knew the benefits and properties of these herbs and oils, like this study at Johns Hopkins University that found certain essential oils could kill a type of Lyme bacteria better than antibiotics.

Photo by Gareth Hubbard on Unsplash

The blend consisted of white vinegar acting as a carrier and a list of 6 essential oils:

  • Clove: Powerful antibacterial and anti-allergenic.
  • Lemon: Potent antifungal and antibacterial. Regulates white blood cell production and supports the endocrine system.
  • Cinnamon: Highly anti-viral, antiseptic, and analgesic.
  • Eucalyptus: Supports the respiratory system.
  • Rosemary: Powerful anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, and antiseptic. Boosts immune and circulatory systems.
  • Camphor: Incredible decongestant, antiviral, antimicrobial, and insecticidal.

When you combine these powerful elixirs of nature into one blend, they transform into powerful agents effective at strengthening your immune system, something that could be very useful nowadays that we have to deal with our own pandemic. The application of herbal medicine such as essential oils and aromatherapy in the prevention and treatment of diseases has now scientific data supporting its effectiveness.

So, how these herbs and essential oils worked?

One possible reason for not contracting the plague was that the herbal remedy contained natural flea repellents (the flea was the main carrier of the disease) such as clove and rosemary.

Also, another probable reason for its efficacy could have been the antimicrobial properties of its ingredients. Scientists have found cloves and rosemary have antimicrobial benefits.

Further, a novel study found lemon essential oil is an efficient killer agent of bacteria like Staphylococcus aureus (skin infections) and E.coli, a bacteria you could contract by being exposed to contaminated water or food.

Finally, the Eucalyptus essential oil and extracts are among the most active against bacteria and it’s famous for its antiviral activity against animal and human viruses.

The 4 thieves couldn’t save their life, instead of dying by burning at the stake, the judge showed them mercy and hanged them instead. From then on, plague doctors started using herbs and other aromatics, applying them as described by the traders.

Plague Doctor Wearing Mask with Herbs and Essential Oils in His beak

The tale varies from region to region, and so the medicinal herbs used. Modern-day variants include a new list of essential oils and well-researched herbs including sage, lavender, and thyme, and instead of using vinegar, most of the essential oils are applied with a carrier oil like coconut, almond, and aloe vera, among others.

We aren’t thieves nor spice traders, but we are in the middle of a pandemic. Maybe having a good list of essential oils for our mind and body is not a bad idea at all. If you want to know more about essential oils you could visit this website, in which they offer tips on how essential oils can boost your immune system and your wellbeing.

Thank you for reading :)

Herbal Medicine & Scencial Oils
Photo by Jason Leung on Unsplash




Written by Tokebi

Artist & Multimedia Illustrator from Guatemala.

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